The former Judson Eagle has landed! Oh Aye! Its true! I have at long last arrived in the wee town of Kesh, Northern Ireland! Along with my partners in crime- Alana Becker, Josh Lewis, and Marcus Coltman, we are successfully settled in our house which is located on :
3 Castle Manor Crevenish
Kesh, Co. Fermanagh
Northern Ireland
BT93 1RT
(If you'd like to write me ;)
After suffering flu-like illness before we left on Tuesday, we made it safely to Dublin where Colin and Johnny (Two of the Ardess Parish Church and The Fountain's Leaders). We were then taken up to Kesh through the beautiful rainy rolling hills of Northern Ireland to Kesh. There was a walk and small tour of the cute town of Kesh and then we were taken into the nearest larger town- Enniskillen where we experienced our first ASDA experience. ASDA is the UK equivalent of Wal*Mart but it was quite nice to have the familiarity of shopping from home but also the new products and experience of being in the UK.
So far we have been warmly embraced by the community here including the Rector (Church minister) Henry and His wife Helen and their 4 sons. As well as Hazel the Youth Director who is a local here and whose daughter and adorable grand-daughters are neighbors as well. Gillian is also our Link Director and is our age and has been serving with YWAM the past year in Australia/she is super-awesome! We also have been invited for Tea/Dinner at the homes of many church members including a lovely family called- The Ross Family with whom we visited last night. We shared great conversation and were greatly encouraged about the church and our involvement in the coming year here in Kesh.
Its so exciting to venture across the pond and to see the immediacy of being welcomed with open-arms by the church, it's community, and the lovely people here and there and in- between. Currently we don't have internet in our home so posts may be more sporadic but I will most definitely be updating while I'm here to let you know all of the awesome things God is doing here.